Editor’s Note
I once asked a youngster, “Do you go to school?” The frank lad said, “No uncle, I am sent!”
For a while, I was taken aback. But when I pondered over it, I felt that he had stated a profound truth. It dawned upon me that most of us do not ‘go’ to our place of work. We are impelled by the need to do so. All through the working hours, we are looking forward to the siren which releases us from bondage. We crave for freedom. Tagore observed,
“Our day of work is not our day of joy. For that, we need a holiday; for miserable that we are, we do not find joy in our work!”
Indeed, there are some exceptions to this rule. The likes of Lata ji, Talat Mehmood and Jagjit did not wait for Sundays for joy. They were passionate about melody and rhythm, and the world permitted them to pursue their inner inner-calling. However, everyone is not so fortunate. The hero of today’s story started singing at the tender age of five. But unfortunately, he was also good in studies. He was sent to an engineering college. And since his brother was an ace fighter pilot, he was sucked into military! However, his first love proved too strong, and even the army let him delve in melody and rhythm. The story of his life, told in his own words is given in this post.
Let me introduce him through a song. He has rendered many memorable numbers, but my personal favourite is ‘samandar ki haseen lahron ke kamil hukmaraan hain hum’. A link to this martial composition is given below. Please click on it, then minimize it, and while it plays, proceed to read the post. You may end up humming his songs!
Divine Tones or Notes
By Col (Dr) Sultan S Malik
For the personnel in uniform the formal exposure to music is limited to military bands (pipe or brass) playing their martial notes. Jazz bands usage is limited to selective functions only. As a third generation officer in defence forces my tryst with Indian music has been both enriching and personally satisfying. Therefore, I would like to share my story for the info and benefit of others.
Coming from a humble punjabi background, I was singing on stage as early as 1961 (5 yrs old) famous punjabi/hindi songs, the likes of ‘Jatt Kurian Ton Darda Mara, Te Modde Utte Dang Rakhda’ -close translation can be the young rustic farmer is scared of the young village girls, so he carries his long staff / lathi on his shoulder ‘ by Muhammad Rafi.
I remain indebted to’Paaji’ my elder brother, Gp Capt O P Malik (Retd) known as ‘Maxy’ in Indian Air Force, an ace MIG-21 BIS fighter pilot, but a gifted singer too. He saw the flash of an artist in me, took me to the local Sangeet Kala Kendra, ensuring that I undergo a formal Hindustani classical training. My village was about 3 kms from the urban music school. Thrice a week I would walk up and down after school for 5 years, little knowing that I some day will be singing on All India Radio(AIR) or TV, and will have my own albums or singing for the bollywood celebrities or be on music tours in India and abroad. As I grew up Indian singers like Lata, Asha, Muhammad Rafi, Mahendra Kapoor, Mukesh, Asa Singh Mastana, Yamla jatt and Mehdi Hasan, Ghulam Ali, Shaukat Ali, across the border (Gurdaspur belt) left deep influence on me during my impressionable age. My Guruji, Pandit Suraj Prakash Sharma, from the Banaras school, who himself was the shishya (pupil) of the legend Pandit Omkarnath Thakur ji, VC, Banaras Hindu University, taught me the intricacies of classical vocal from 1964-1970 at Gurdaspur.
I would like to acknowledge the contribution of my Bhabhi ji (Late) Smt Krishna Malik, who joined us in 1966, hailing from the Nayyar family of Chamba (HP). In addition to being a wonderful person with rich family values was herself a state level sports champion and was also a Hindustani Music graduate (Vocal & Sitar). We both attended the same music school in respective streams for about three years together complimenting each other.
The richness of music specially indian music can be summed up in one word, gift of the ‘DIVINE”. There is perhaps none, who is not influenced by this 20hz to 20khz audible frequency spectrum. Millions of permutations that emerge out of 12 notes (7 shudha-pure notes +5 impure-that is 4 ‘komal’ or flat and 1 teevra of sharp ) are divine happenings only. I did learn about 60 ragas, of the likes of Bhairvi, Darbari, Marwa, Yaman Kalyan, Malkauns, Todi, Malhaar, Desh and others. Mastering a ‘RAGA’ requires much higher level of dedication. Classical training also exposed me to the science of ‘The talas / beats’ such as Dadara, Keherva, Teental, Roopak and so on. The formal education opened up new vistas for me. From heavy classical (barra khayal, chhota khayal, to thumri etc) in my arsenal, I found the light film numbers, ghazals, folk (punjabi, pahari, etc. ), bhajan, kirtan, qwaalii, easy to sing, though I typically enjoy free humming.
The Punjabi dialect of Gurdaspur/Amritsar (MAJHA) region and around is said to be the most pure. My plus point was the rich folk rustic shade in me. Though I did not sing many Punjabi songs, but whenever I have written, composed, and rendered them, I have enjoyed the experience, because the listeners have been most satisfied. Many times I have experienced emotional choking, where one just can’t utter a word when friends and fans call up and want to hear a particular my non-film number. I oblige most of the time on the mobile itself. Urdu being the language of written communication among my father, brother and sister at home, and listening to Pakistani radio / TV, I picked up the ‘Tallafuz’–pronunciation / meaning of most of the key words. I remained the best singer for my school, The Little Flower Convent School, Gurdaspur from 1965 to 1971, till my tenth board examinations. College studies brought an end to any higher music learning.
Having suffered the lethal blows of the partition of India in 1947, that was the time our family (the Mals, Maliks, Kaushals and Sahunjas) from Multan (Pakistan) was trying hard to stand back on its feet, there was lack of firm support and guidance from others for making a living from music. My paratrooper father could never reconcile that singing can be a career. Having saluted the British officers whole life he wished that both his sons have to be defence officers only. I remember to have told him once about being a singer and cannot forget his comment in chaste Punjabi ‘Tu, eh pandaN wala kam karenga’? Pand or Bhand meaning the team of 2-3 persons who move from village to village singing and cracking rowdy jokes to make a living, specially see them when a male child is born. That put an end to my being a distant replacement to Rafi or Jagjit. However the course correction did not deter me, my love and service to music continued.
I won the Best All India folk singer award in 1977, conducted by Punjab university in Chandigarh. The Tribune carried the news item.
Won Best Student Artist of the Engineering College. 1977
In the mean time within my limited space, I qualified as graded’ AIR artist. With that I sang for various programmes on AIR and TV, from Punjabi Folk, Gurbani /Bhajans, Ghazals to Normal Songs. I finished BE (mech) and got selected for army in the Corps of EME in 1981. My music escapades continued in Indian Military Academy (IMA) too, where every passing out Gentleman Cadet’s particular habit or character is commented upon, in the annual IMA magazine. For me the comment was ‘the man with a golden voice’. I hold it close to my heart.
Once in army I became the essential baggage of every mess function, picnic, Commander’s, their ladywive’s entertainment cum adm fleet. The modest following I enjoy to this day and am thankfull to all of them. It was music only that could bowl over Sonu, my first Commanding Officer’s(CO’s) elder daughter, who became my wife. Gave me two lovely kids and is my best critic and fan too, till date.
’ANMOL RISHTEY’ Air Force Film
In 1989, while serving with 81 Armoured Regiment, at Suratgarh, I got a call from Wing Commander Anup Singh Bedi, VSM, writer of Bollywood movie ‘SILSILA’ and known TV commentator that he heard me and wanted me in Delhi in connection with a film under production ’ANMOL RISHTEY’ (Sacred Bonds) on Indian Air Force for Door Darshan(DD) National channel. I shared the call details with my lion hearted CO, Brig Arvind (Pappy) Treohan (then Colonel), who sent me on a 15 days T/D with special permission from Director General Mechanised Forces (DGMF), combining it with official duty. I recorded two numbers a qwaali and a ghazal for the bollywood hero Kanwaljit Singh, Anil Dhawan, Pawan Malhotra & Rama Vij. The day the movie was telecast, complete Suratgarh station along with Brigade Commander/Air Officer Commanding(AOC), air force stn were in our new mess. I was on cloud nine for a different reason, we had achieved inter-service integration through music!
(Qwaali- AOC Mohtram Mashwara Deejiye, Ishq Mujhko Sataye To Main Kya Karoon)’ Anmol Rishtey
As a return gesture, I recorded an exclusive pop number album ’Hiya Hiya Ho’ for my 81 Armd Regt with a special armd song ’Lovely Si Madam’ that was sent throughout army and specially armd formations, marketed by Pappy himself. He got his Higher Command (HC ) course and dawned the rank of Brig, I got my posting to Bhutan and it all ended on a happier note.
The film and music of ‘ANMOL RISHTEY’ was a hit with whole of Indian Air Force and till this day I get humbled by emails, telephone calls. This made me the master musician / singer of all successive Bedi productions. We enjoy mutual respect and harmonious relationship. It followed up with serials and films like ’Parwaaz’, Adarsh, Paasban, Samandar, Yeh Mera Desh, the latest Shaheedon Ko Salaam.
Folk Punjabi Boliyaan from ‘Parwaaz’
‘Samandar’ TV serial on NAVY
The Samandar ( Ocean), a 30 episode naval serial gave me good scope to innovate and contribute. The title number ’Samandar Ki Haseen Lehron Ke Kamil Hukmaraan Hain Hum’, with its High Pitch Mukhra (opening) ‘SHA NAU VARUNA : Bless Us O! Water God’ touched millions of listeners / viewers across the country and across the borders and is among the all times toppers of the DD music list
Samandar series.
Based on the popularity of my genre of music I was asked to sing a number on the 1993 New Year Eve by Doordarshan national, as a duet with known Bengali singer and film personality Sukanya:
National channel New year 1993
One of the LIVE Interviews with Subah-Savere team on Doordarshan National TV
My interview live singing ’subah- savere’ Doordarshan National
EME Corps Song and a Tune
There was an old rusty poetry lying in the EME archives which did not meet the requirements and a need was felt to have a suitable corps song going with times, to be played at various official functions and gatherings in the corps. The plan had been languishing for 2-3 years as management did not approve the exhorbitant quotes as indicated by Asha Bhonsale, music director Ravindra Jain of Bollywood and for not having any say in the final recordings.
It was in1995, the senior EME management shared with me, to have an EME Corps Song and a Tune. It was conveyed that I have to complete this as a project for the 50th Golden Jublee Celebration of Military College of Electronics and Mechanical Engineering (MCEME), Secunderabad, our Almamater, since complete senior Mai – Bapp of the corps will be present, carrying with it the unwritten assertion, consequences and the army pun.
With the celebrations approx two months away, the work combined with my sapping instructional and administrative duties was a tough call. Maj Gen Basant Bhatia, Deputy Commandant assured me all help and freedom to prepare a good foot tapping and soulfull music piece. I remained in state of suspended animation for about 2 weeks trying to fathom various aspects of a befitting musical score for my Corps. I could not avoid the anxious looks of Col Adm, my Faculty Commander, and others every time we met, as to what was happening- ‘kuchh baat ban rahi hai ke nahi’ ? Drawing out on all my poetic strength, I re-wrote the whole existing poem bringing every word into the beat matrix of standard marching. Then structured the start, punch lines, humming, chorus, cross lines, the ending crescendo and so on it started taking loose form. Planned the Band drums, pipes, horns, percussion, mild use of string instruments, then whether to have English beat or Indian, and deciding who all will sing with me in a professional studio with professional musicians. Those were the days of analog music and magnetic tapes. So I prepared 4 sets of draft corps song and presented that in the Senior EME Officers Conference, few days prior to the MCEME celebrations.
Gen Surjit Singh himself a writer, music lover and orator of repute was present. He supported the format, for which I will always remain thankful to him. I received the approval for English beat, and that gave me a lot of confidence. I was sanguine, that I was on the right track. The song was ready in time for the celebrations. It was a golden moment, on a golden day for my team and me formally singing the corps song in front of the whole corps and invitees at Military College of Electronics and Mechanical Engineering. ‘EME corps ke nau jawan, karm mein hain hum mahan, karm hi dharm ka taj sir pe hai yeh vidhyaman’ See The Pic
Lt. Gen M R Kochhar (then Comdt) in centre, Maj Gen B Bhatia(Dy Comdt) left of Comdt, with other MCEME staff members, my EME corps song team and self.
That was a big honour as an artist and I came to be known as ‘The Singing Eagle’ of the corps. A special corps instruction was published under the signature of DGEME. My contribution was acknowledged for which I am ever thankful. Its digital version was released 15 years later during the 9th EME corps reunion at secunderabad. Mr Daler Mehendi (known indian singer) who was also present specially congratulated me when the song was played.
Note : I have recently completed ‘Shaheedon Ko Salaam’, a national presentation (A Tribute to Martyrs) with Mr Naseerudin Shah with my songs and music score, is awaiting release by Doordarshan.
My contact for any type of guidance on music, production related work etc.
Email: ssmall50 [at] yahoo.co.in
My team for my ongoing MUSIC & TV projects at Pune
The divine message : Notes, Cycles, Octaves and their Reflections in Reality
There is a curious relationship between harmonic and disharmonic content of music and numbers. This same relationship occurs in music, colors, and other physical concepts. It seems as if the Creator creates patterns within patterns and illustrates concepts through numbers. Many patterns that appear in one place are repeated in another. We see this fact throughout life. Time and music both have lower and higher octaves. The octaves of time span a day, a year, and a lifetime. For example the times of the day and the seasons of the year can be compared to the stages of a living entity.
Time Octaves for the Day, Year, and Life Cycle
Morning |
Noon |
Afternoon |
Midnight |
Spring |
Summer |
Fall |
Winter |
Youth |
Maturity |
Middle age |
Old Age |
Octaves in Light and Sound
Octaves appear in many places in Time, the musical vibrations of sound, and in the electromagnetic spectrum (infrared, visible light, ultraviolet light, and beyond). In music, the doubling of sound frequencies represents an octave. The frequency of the highest note in an octave is exactly two times the frequency of the lowest note in the octave. Within an octave we progress through the seven musical notes[Sa,re ga ma pa dha ni Sa] = S, R, G, M, P, D, N, and arrive at S* again – one octave higher. There is a striking similarity between the musical octaves and the octaves of the electromagnetic spectrum that we see as visible light. Just as in music with it’s seven notes, we commonly say that there are 7 distinct colors {VIBGYOR} in the spectrum of the rainbow.
The 7 Notes of the Octaves of Light and Music
Red |
Orange |
Yellow |
Green |
Blue |
Indigo |
Violet |
S |
R |
G |
M |
P |
D |
N |
Prominence of the Numbers 7 & 12 in Music and Time
An interesting side is the prominence of the numbers 7 and 12 in music and time. There are seven whole notes in the octave and 12 half steps in the octave. We also see the prominence of these same numbers in our time divisions – 12 hours each of day and night, 7 days in a week, 12 months in the year.
My Love For Ghazals : I am Diehard Fan of Jagjit, Ghulam Ali, Mehdi Hasan, Muhammad Rafi. I am putting a famous ghazal ‘AAWAARGI” that sum’s up the existence of most of us
Aawaargi – Mohsin Naqavi
Yeh dil yeh pagal dil mera, kyon bujh gaya ‘aawaargi,’
Is dasht mein ik shahar tha, vo kya hua ‘aawaargi’.
Kal shab mujhe be-shakl si aawaaz ne chaunka diya
Main ne kaha tu kaun hai, usne kahaa aawaargi.
Ek tu ke sadiyon se mere, humraah bhi humraaz bhi
Ek mein kii tere naam se, na-aashana aawaargi.
Ye dard kii tanahaaiyaa.n, ye dasht kaa viiraa.n safar,
Ham log to uktaa gaye apnii sunaa, aawaargi
Ik ajnabi jhonke ne jab, pucha mere gam ka sabab
Sehra ki bheegi ret par, main ne likha aawaargi
Kal raat tanha chand ko, dekha tha maine khwab main
“mohsin” mujhay rass ayegi, shayad sada aawaargi
Meanings of particular words
Dasht: Desert, Jungle, Wilderness. Shab: Night. Sadiyon: Centuries. Ham-Raah: Fellow traveler. Ham-Raaz: Confidant. Na-aashnaa: Not Acquainted, Stranger. Uktaa jaana: Get Bored. Sabab: Cause, Occasion, Reason. Raas aanaa: To Find Suitable, Like
‘It is about the acceptance of life´s utter meaninglessness and mystery and coming to terms with this fact. The protagonist here feels very alone in the world, like we all do if we were honest to ourselves. Be it in the city or in the desert, the poet feels completely lost and alone – there is no place in the world where he belongs. But, as a sufi, he finds comfort in the beauty of nature, the desert, the pale moon, etc. Still, life stays a lonely mystery. At the end he seems to have accepted the “awargi-ness”, the nothingness, of it all. In a nutshell, it is the calm acceptance of the meaninglessness and nothingness of life, or as John Lennon would have put it: just “Let it Be’.
I consider it my duty to introduce you to the family which supports Sultan Malik in his foray into the world of music. All through his military career, his tryst with ‘notes and tones’ put some burden on his service life, but the people whom you see in the picture below saw to it that he was able to ‘mix melody with military’. I suspect it was his singing which won the heart of his commanding officer, Col SK Kohli, and that is how Sonu came into his life. ‘Colls’ as Kohli is called is a poet in his own right. And Veena (nee Tuli) was a well known basket-ball player before she got married. The two of them brought up their daughters very well. The younger daughter, Mona is married to Rajeev who is settled in Canada. And that is how, Canada has become a second home for the family.
L TO R: Mrs. Veena kohli, Sonu(wife) , Mona(sister in law with her children Shirraj, Shereen), Sultan, Sohini(Daughter), Suraag(Son), Col S K Kohli, Rajeev(Co-Brother).
(Picture taken at the Mount Morency, Canada in 2011).
Col Sultan Malik, with his very supportive wife, just before he retired from the military
The young looking Kohlis were chosen to promote 5 Star by the Cadbury. And they seem to be enjoying the act!
The Tailpiece
Music, they say is the language of Gods. Go to a temple or Gurudwara, you find people enchanted with what Sultan calls ‘Divine Notes or Tones’ . We find the sound of music in the Church when they sing carols. And the Buddhist chanting is just as enticing. Now nearing sixty, Col (Dr) SS Malik has fulfilled his commitment with the military, and here begins the culmination of his ‘tryst’ with ‘sargam’ May the Lord bless him.
They all ask me is there a God.
I always answer
if you believe
you must …
I believe in TIME GOD
hence my Book
TIME IS GOD By Colls Foreword By Lt Gen YV Radha Krishnan PVSM RETD
Undoubtedly Sultan is extremely gifted ,
but who were his Gods
Ask him .
In my personal view,(I may be excused)
Bedi Sahab, Brig Treohan,…Mitlesh, my dearest Mithu, and Surjit Sir ji ,my younger brother ,
are his Gods..
on their behalf I bow to them all.
he is their indebted Devotee,
as per me .
The remaining Gods are all of you..who have Blessed him above.
28 Dec 2016
9818574698 (messages only)
I had the honour to meet Col SS Malik in person in 2005 along-with col Arun Ahuja when we all were posted in DRDO in Pune. What struck me most was his humility. He combines the best of human and military qualities.
Thanks General Surjit. Regards
my new album’ bahut dino ke baad’ is being released shortly…
Dear Sirs,
I take this opportunity to thank each one of the guftagu members who took time to read as well as comment. My proper music album ‘Bahut dino ke baad ..’ SPECIALLY meant for all say above 35 yrs of age is on its way for release. It has 2 ghazals, 2 love songs, and 1 sufi (bulleshah recreated). hope you will listen on net/CD AND LIKE IT.
Hello Sultan
Thanks to FB. It is uniting friends from long gone past. I was your batch mate from Civil.
I still remember you singing a Pakistani song (kyon door door rehnde o hazooor saade kolon) in one of the events at GNE. You did not sound amateur but refined singer then.
I am happy for you that you managed to kept your passion alive. But sad that you could have been another Rafi.
Now I have listened your songs posted on the internet.
Wish you all the best.and happy retired life.
I am honoured to have a word from you. where are you . how are you? I remember your presence in the other wise dry corridors of gnec. thanks for the call. destiny has a lot to play. hope you are fit and fine and a family person of contention.
Let me know if convenient to talk to you. ssmall50@yahoo.co.in-id.
thanks and best wishes.
with regards
I remember Col Malik ( then a Major and a student officer ) in IAT Girnagar during late nineteen eighties. I remember him as a gifted artist ( a cassette tape was released, during his stay in IAT, if my memory serves me right) also a very polite and and a gentle officer. i recall, he managed to balance music and studies pretty well in IAT. It now appears that he manages to balance it throughout his life.
Thanks General Sen for the nostalgia. Remarkable memory you have, to be able to recall about release of music cassette ‘Encounters’ WITH BEST WISHES
Excellent refreshing update
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thanks for reading it sir.
Hur lång är du och vilken storlek har du ziperallen?
Jag ska nämligen beställa en, men jag är osäker pÃ¥ storleken… Tacksam för svar
Ps. Älskar din blogg!
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Thank You. Most welcome and enjoyable
Thanks to all those mention as addresees above who have DONATED SO FAR
Regards all
Col K Kohli MIE Author Poet
In Canada
Great story.
“Martial” has been misspelled as “marshal.” Please correct.
You have a Hawk’s eye!
No. I have a lynx eye…you see, I commanded that squadron!
Thanks for the fwd link Sir. Grateful
CP Joshi
Thank you Sir for sharing.
Thanks Gen Surjit for sharing.
I remember Col Malik and his wife in MCEME
love and regards
A brilliant blog, Surjitji. Thanx.
Thanks for a beautiful link.
What about guys like me who aren’t sure of what their first love is or was!!
I was interested in Physics but then found Wave Theory daunting. I was equally interested in
Chemistry but chemical bonding unsettled me. I was interested in English Literature but
Developed liking for light reading. I was into Hindi poetry but gave up without much headway. I
Liked painting but failed to pursue it. Whither then??
But why am I complaining? I have had a wonderful life and am living the moment with many variant loves within.
All the best.
Music us Really the ‘Food of Love’
Only Lovely people like U know the ‘Meaning’ of it !!
With Love
Maj Gen Aditya Jaini
BEAUTIFUL (in red letters)
From the Army it is a rare story. Gained a new insight into music. Kudos to his perseverance and achievements.
Loved the songs.
Col Malik, you are truly a genius. Your rendering and composition of the Corps Song is unbelievable. At the MCEME when I heard it for the first time it evoked emotions and motivation difficult to describe. It was so fascinating that I had it played for all imprtant events including the Convocations. God bless and keep singing. Write some more songs for the Corps to motivate its sportsmen, tradesmen and so on.
Thanks Manchanda Sir. hope you are fit and fine and madam anf family too. I have noted your concern wrt some corps specific motivational pgmes/musical compositions.
regards with nostalgic moments spent in MCEME.
A beautiful story of an incredibly gifted man and his life of fulfilment and fantastic achievements. Not only is he divinely blessed in his musical talent but also in personal and professional fields. He has composed this narrative as elegantly and eloquently as his singing. You are indeed blessed, Sir! The philosophic note struck at the end is deeply perceptive and impressive.
respected sir,
thanks for the kind words. From IMA (1980) to MS(1989) and even at MCEME(1994) had the chance to see you, and brief interaction too.
Great story. Keep them coming !
Very interesting narrative. He is so lucky to Persue his hobby so successfully. Wishing him all the best !